Refund Policy


When you make an online donation on this site, we collect personal data such as your name, billing address, and email address, if you have not previously provided these details during a prior session. We collect information about your donation, including the project you are donating to and the amount of your donation. We also collect (but do not retain) credit card numbers which are processed by a third-party payment vendor subject to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. If you use Razor pay, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or a similar service, their use of your information is based on their terms of service and policies, not ours, so we encourage you to review those policies carefully.

We may also ask you to share a brief description about why you decided to donate to your selected cause(s) along with your name and general location. If you elect to provide this optional information, we will share your comments with the organization(s) you have donated to and may also publicly share this information to inspire other visitors to follow your generous example.


We are grateful for your donation and support of our organization. Donations are normally non-refundable but if you have made an error in making your donation or change your mind about contributing to our organization please contact us by email or go to contact page for you message.

Automated Recurring Donation Cancellation

Ongoing support is important to enabling projects to continue their work, so we encourage donors to continue to contribute to projects over time. But if you must cancel your recurring donation, please notify us immediately.


When you make a donation in honor or memory of a loved one, we collect payment and contact information about you, as well as the name, email address, and mailing address of the recipient. You may create a personal message to the recipient, which is stored on our servers. Except in the limited circumstances described below, we do not read or use your personal messages.